Tumark® Vision Atlas

Case 2

Invasive ductal carcinoma in a 49 year-old patient

Prof. Dr. Katja C. Siegmann-Luz, Diagnostisches Brustzentrum Königs Wusterhausen, Germany

Case description

The patient presented with a new, three week old palpable finding in the right breast. Normal findings in the screening of dense glandular tissue and for macromastia. Ultrasound shows a malignoma-typical lesion, 24mm in diameter, in the top right at 12 o’clock, BI-RADS 5. Poorly differentiated triple-negative breast cancer NST G3 confirmed by ultrasound-guided punch biopsy. The lesion is marked with Tumark Vision (figure 1) with ultrasound guidance prior to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. A tumor, 26mm in diameter, surrounding the clip is differentiated in post-intervention breast tomosynthesis (figure 2).

Course of treatment

Ultrasound check-up after six months of neoadjuvant therapy shows partial remission of the tumor and an unchanged position of Tumark Vision (figure 3). Ultrasound-guided, pre-operative wire marking of the clip (figure 4), clearly visible in the segment resectate (figure 5). Tissue margins are tumor-free (R0).


Long-term ultrasound visibility of the placed clip is helpful in planned breast-conserving surgery (BCS) after neoadjuvant therapy, especially in the case of tumor remissions and if distinguishing of the tumor is limited. Thanks to its geometry, Tumark Vision can be easily distinguished as a hyperechoic ring-shaped structure.